

We are a nation of extremes in all cases. There could be a brand new Porsche and a bullock cart sharing the same lane in a major city. And while a small percentage of our population flies first class, the majority cannot afford to ride in a bus. But we seem to WANT to take the better side of the extreme as representative of India. Fool ourself into thinking that the average is closer to the best than the worst. And that extends to how we interpret events in the world as well.
Take the recent UN bungle about election of a new Secretary-General. We support a New York born, London-based author called Shashi Tharoor, whose parents were in India at some point in their distant personal histories. But imagine him to be, nonetheless, an Indian. As if him getting elected would result in the world recognising that we are after all a superpower. If one simply clears the emotional baggage accompanying a person of Indian origin, i think we would all realise that Shashi Tharoor is as Indian as say Kofi Annan was Ghanian. (which i'm sure many didn't know). And to make matters worse, the fact that Tharoor may not get elected is seen as some kind of national insult in the media. The other day, i see a question on a news channel, 'Does India get taken seriously at the UN?' or something like that. And one of the SMS responses was 'Can you imagine the UN without India?' as if it was but natural to throw one's head back, laugh and say 'NO!!'
Unfortunately, we need to realise that we are as important (or should i say un-important) to the UN or the world as maybe Ghana. The only time the UN talks about us is when one of our peacekeepers dies in Somalia. And when we do get discussed, it somehow becomes an indication that 'we have arrived on the world stage'.
This post is turning into one where it seems i'm indicating the UN to be some important world body. When in fact, it is not. How long can we as a country fool ourselves in institutions that have lost its relevance? Whether its the UN or the Non-Aligned Movement (that massive fraud of neutrality which its founders gave up within a few months of establishing it), our pride on the world stage seems inexplicably linked to how we are seen on this irrelevant platforms. And when something miniscule in proportion does occur, our chests swell up.
The U.S. is the bully of the world. And we made the unfortunate mistake of latching our wagon on another bully, who long ago shifted schools. Now we seem to be like the teacher's pet, feeling very happy when the teacher gives us a gold star. But its recess time and the bully controls the class. And however many gold stars we get, the bully and his cronies will have the last say. So we sit smugly and count our gold stars while the bully and his cronies steal our lunch money.
And marvel saying 'Oh, we've finally arrived!'


Small World...

Did anyone know there's a town called (hold your breath) KRVIA?????


Reminds me of a joke, totally politically incorrect but that's how i like them...

An eye doctor gets a Czech patient. He tells him to read a chart that has the following letters:
He asks the patient, 'Can you figure out what's written?'
The Czech says, 'Sure! I dated his daughter once!'



Today i read the following headlines:





Now if there's a conspiracy here, i wish the newspaper would simply spell it out on one page. It takes some time to turn the pages and make the connection, although it's SOOO obvious....



Why doesn't a weekend seem like a weekend any more? My bro in the U.S. lives it up every Friday - Sunday. He seems to be doing the most un-him things, things that he would have never dreamt of doing (or got out of bed long enough to). And actually thinks that i would like to listen to detailed descriptions of his bungee jumpin/white water rafting/hitting head on wall without feeling a tad bit envious.
And here i sit before my comp's new LCD screen wondering if my schedule will get upset if i just sit and read a book for 15 minutes.
And the only source of excitement all day has been the red and green dots that come in front of my eyes when i turn away from the screen. (Wheee!!!They're dancing!!!)
And you can see how bored i am...
And i'm absolutely sure i'm not drunk or high...



One more gem from the Indian media:

'We don't know whether Musharraf and Manmohan Singh will merely shake hands or hug. Right now there's lots of speculation and heated debate here in Havana regarding that."

This one from CNN-IBN and i swear to God the reporter was serious....


Home Improvement...

After more than a year of complaining, cribbing and being cynical about how my peer group hates anything to do with thinking or growing mentally etc etc (which i'm sure everyone agrees is THE cause of this blog... and its title.. and its web address), i finally decided to take the advice of someone who i don't like too much and decided to do things that i would find interesting, whether or not someone else does and hopefully find other similar minded people.
So task # 1 was to start reading again. Started off with something veryyyyy light to get myself back in the groove. Beach Boy by Ardeshir Vakil. Decent book. A little predictable though and gets a little unrealistic at times but a good start. Next came something i heard about through the 'Environmental Design' elective group. A book called 'Collapse' which says that basically every single civilizational collapse is caused by environmental problems. Read the weirdest excuse for India's caste system: apparently the reason why it was invented is so each caste could protect their own resources to prevent over-use....
Task # 2 is attempting to watch movies... not the KANK types, but the ones Rohan writes about so often. Caught the first 3 obstructions (??!!) of 'The 5 Obstructions' as i was procrastinating about A.D. And also saw 'Roger and Me' with the film theory elective people. And now i know i'm bored and irritated with Michael Moore's i'll-shove-a-camera-in-your-face-whether-you-like-it-or-not type movies.
Task # 3 was shutting myself off from the 'Why do we need to think?' comments that one gets to hear so often in class. And it's not working too much. And the need to reflect that frustration onto this blog was toooooo over bearing. And i tried to immerse myself more into tasks #1 and #2 and also a bit in A.D.

Hence: no post (hehehehhee... long explanation no?)

And ya, before you wonder which elective i'm in... it's called 'Urban Theory' and i haven't seen the guy who's supposed to be doing that elective for 4 weeks. He said he won't come for one Saturday but hasn't turned up for the remaining three too. So can someone check up on him??