
To Kingdom Come...

For some strange reason, i wonder if there's any species of animal/plant that Greenpeace, WWF and their ilk DO NOT want to conserve/protect. Something like a 'Do Not Call' list for animals must be there...??

My candidate for the list is the Mosquito.
What good does it do for humans?
What contribution does it make to the food cycle, food chain and other biology-related diagrams?
Does it have (what a fellow blogger writes about all the time and bores us with) a "Purpose of Life"??
According to Wikipedia (may the makers/conceptualisers/promoters be blessed with a million years of happiness) only the female mosquito sucks blood, that too just because she doesn't get protein from nectar, which makes blood a special treat. Which means we are the mosquito equivalent of chocolate cake.
And the nectar-sucking is not pollinating, so no plants will suffer if they die.
Not to mention the number of diseases that will stop spreading if they don't exist.

Should the mosquito heading towards extinction sound an(other) alarm bell (these environmental alarm bells seem to ring every few hours)?? Will Greenpeace activists get onto a fuel-cell or steam-run truck and try to block mosquito exterminators from doing their work?

Will i become a social pariah for suggesting genocide of mosquitoes?




You don't have to work a pittance for anybody!
All the work you do is the backbone of any firm's business. If YOU don't produce those working drawings (however simple, brainless or mind-numbing they are) then NO ONE will.
No contractor will make a building from concept sketches that your employers give them. YOU decide how much money your employer makes.
It is your right to demand good salaries for yourself. i know firms that make crores of rupees in profit every year because they hire only interns.
The 1500 bucks you get every month does not even cover travel costs. It is a great privilege to work with Charles Correa, but if he doesn't respect your value to his firm, then it's of no use.
If every single intern in the country decides, "I will not work for less than Rs. 7500 a month" every architectural firm in the country will either fall in line or shut down. If engineering graduates get 20,000 bucks a month the minute they finish a crappy 4-year course (and then get paid the same amount for a 6-month 'training' period), then we deserve at least half of that.
And everytime i hear architects say "We used to get 500 bucks a month when we were your age," i feel like hitting them with their T-squares.
The image and the text: Ironic, no?
To the ones who get bored with long posts: HAPPY????????
And i take my words back. i will let my posts go longer than 20 words!


The Crow...

Every day around 11 am in the morning, a crow with a weird 'caaack' sound sits on the parapet below the kitchen window and yells its little lungs out. My mom feeds it bits of chapati everyday, usually the first one off the pan, which doesn't taste too good. Usually i feed it on Sundays.
It's probably the closest i've come to having a pet. Some animal you can recognise just by its voice, one which you feed everyday, one who recognises you. So maybe this is the closest i've come to feeling the loss of a pet. The crow's been missing the last 2 Sundays i've been at home, and apparently it hasn't 'caaacked' in the intermittent weeks.
RIP crow. May you be fed your one chapati wherever you are.



By popular demand, henceforth all posts on this blog shall be no longer than 20 sentences.