
Long Time No See...

Went to college after a month and 13 days. Longest ive been away from there since 1st year. Sounds kinda sad and geeky i know. And i missed the large, long and unending studios, the stuffy suffocated AV room, the half-seat half-retaining wall next to the lawn, the stilt area, the waste space where we play football. But not the people. The same ones who i felt like running away from at the end of last year and thought a month and a half at an office where i wouldn't be in contact with any of them would help. Not all of them obviously. But the number's large enough to generalise. i don't know what has tired me about them. Maybe it's the pointless objections to my opinions which my headstrong and stubborn head cannot take. Maybe it is the knowledge of the evil and malicious in each of them, soaked over the last 3 years. For some, the hard core selfishness that seems to rule every aspect of their lives. Or simply, its all in my imagination. Every little incident, every carefree word, every act of indifference. It has all built up and created monsters in my head. Monsters who i will smile at everyday. Monsters who i will live with day and night as we slog over the next day's presentation. Monsters who i don't know are imagined or real. Or maybe its me. i am the Monster.



It feels damn odd to do nothing on a weekday. Now that i have 4 days off from college. (thank you Paul for the best gift ever.. sob sob... if you didn't notice the sarcasm then you may take it as a genuine thank you) It's too little time to do anything big and too much time to do anything useful. And to add to my general state of laziness, there's no water in the house thanks to MMRDA who break the main water pipe everytime they're in the mood for some road exapansion. Anyways, as ive been making so many lists in the last few days i thought i'll make one more...
...naah maybe not...
lazing around seems fine for now.....



The feminists of the world (and women living in some suburbs of Mumbai) will kill me for saying this but it seems the number of babes per square metre of pavement reduces as one travels from Bandra to Juhu...


Cup of Woes...

Its Football World Cup Time!! Or for some people, time to show they're 'in with the thang!' So whether they know the difference between a football and a footsie, 'my 2 cents shall be broadcasted'. Not that i'm some big football expert but still....

TOP 5 FOOTBALL WC GAFFES (and why they are wrong):

5) 'I love Brazil. I think they have the best defense.' - Some female celebrity in Bombay Times
(Correct me if i'm wrong but i think they're known more for their attack line. And teams like Italy and England must've felt very bad.)

4) 'Rio Ferdinand has the best striker's instinct I've ever seen' - Nephew who was co-incidentally a defender in school football team
(Yes, he's one of the better defenders in the world and yes he's scored quite a few goals but i think that's stretching it too far.)

3) 'India came damn close to qualifying this year.' - Relative trying to start a conversation
(Strange. God knows where he got that from. Anyways, i don't think we came close..... even by a mile)

2) 'Roy Keane and Robbie Keane will make sure Croatia win the World Cup' - cricket crazy school mate
(Both play for Ireland. And Ireland hasn't even qualified. Croatia ended up 3rd in 1998 and i think this year they aren't very strong contenders.)

BUT this one is the clincher. Even more so cos it happened on live TV and millions heard it.

1) 'England won by a single home run over Portugal thanks to His Royal Highness Daniel Beckingham' - American baseball commentator forced to present 'soccer' show.
(As everyone must've guessed, he's off the show now. And if you're still wondering why, its David Beckham. And he's not even related to the Queen. And its called a goal. And call it football, not soccer. Just like table tennis is table tennis, not ice hockey.)

Enjoy! And may the best team win!



its a different feeling altogether gettin a cheque. its like ur officially a paid member of society or sumthn... ive gotten paid for work done earlier but in cash and trust me it feels so much better this time!!!

sorry bad pic...



Today as i drove along the recently-widened road full of vehicles lined with buildings in front of my house, i thought for a second that i was living in some Corbusian dream-city. Except for the dug-up footpaths with pipes sticking out, the dead shrubs on the divider and ugly MHADA buildings replacing his modernist cubes...


Rain Rain Come Again...

i possess the greatest predictor of monsoons known to humans. My respiratory system. Forget the met department, the shedding gulmohar trees, the pied-crested cuckoo etc. A day before the monsoon hits Bombay, i get atleast a cough and cold. Depending on the severity of the first rains, this could be as mild a barely-there case of sniffles. So you can imagine what must have happened this time... i got viral fever which necessitated two days of bed rest. And lo and behold, the monsoon starts 2 days before the met departments predictions.

1) Muck
2) Water logging
3) Huge, massive cyclone style 'cloudbursts'
4) Smelly wet socks
5) Stalled cars

1) Holidays due to water logging
2) Pakodas and chai
3) Raincoats and windcheaters in all possible colours
4) Getting soaked in a drizzle
5) Lush green leaves on trees

Happy Monsooning!!