

i used to eat a lot. And was blessed with Jughead metabolism. Throughout school and till last year, i was the scrawniest kid but could compete with the big guys in any eating competition.
Not anymore.
It was the generally nice Amritsar trip that started it all. The Punjabi air, lassi, butter chicken and parathas etc. Then Himachal which was freezing cold and made eating the general pastime. i come back and realise i've gained 4 kilos in 2 weeks. Which seemed ok back then. But since that fateful October, my Jughead-ity has been lost. With a truck tire and a pregnant paunch, i am embarassed to say i've joined the fat brigade...
So i have decided to reduce my food intake. Not diet. Which means, when i feel like eating 3 samosas dripping with oil, i will eat only 2. And my fatness meter is my fellow classmates. The resistance that a finger prod to the stomach brings is the measure of fatness. Less the resistance, more the fat. And i hope i can squeeze a few minutes of jogging in a day.
But its damn surprising to me how much a few extra kilos can change one's self image. Now i'm (trying to) constantly suck my stomach in, sitting in positions that do not reveal my girth.
This seems a good test for my will power. How long will it be before i go for that desired extra slice of pizza? And i'm sure the peanuts i'm munching on are doing something. Maybe the football i played last afternoon will count...
i need to eat. And i should be allowed to eat. Without being prodded.

1 comment:

Mumbai Guy said...

lolz to "constantly suck my stomach in". It's pity that we cannot eat the way we want to. Just the other day I went to Ice-cream place and have to cut down my portion. I hate that.