
Chain Reactions...

i am now convinced that riots are organised and orchestrated to the point of planning the 'outraging' event as well. i did not hear of any statue getting desecrated or even touched in the few days before the riots started. Nor has any news channel shown the body of the dead 23 yr old Dalit, but hours of screen time for, presumably, his weeping mother. And if it is such a 'spontaneous' reaction, then why appeal to the leaders of the Dalit parties to stop the rioting?

Rioting obviously is not merely a reaction to an incident, but tries to extract it's pound of flesh as well. Here, the 'pound of flesh' is ludicrous. A holiday on December 6th? What for? So that an already ineffectual government gets an extra day to doze off? Atleast demand something better, like reservations or something. Or is the Dalit community's self-respect at such a low, even after 60 years of pampering, that a holiday in the name of a dead leader will make them feel better???
But amidst all the rioting and ransacking and looting, it was nice to hear that there were no innocent lives lost. The only ones dead are some rioters. Good for them.

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