
Acquired Tastes...

Years of being forced to attend lectures in school and college and years of being forced to attend marriages have made me think deeply about the phrase 'acquired taste'. Seems any figure of authority uses this as the number one excuse to force anything down our throats. In some cases its worked. Like booze. Especially expensive ones. In this case, the acquiring of taste doesnt take longer than a few hours. But its the long term ones i have a problem with. 'One day you'll want to know more about (fill in the blanks with your favourite subject from mating habits of nocturnal earthworms to how to ace your math exam) and regret not sitting for this.' When does that day come? i still remember this born-again preacher from ninth standard who promised Jesus is coming. Neither has Jesus come nor have i realised the importance of what he said.
But ive always given them a chance. Once in a while, ive found something im genuinely interested in. Maybe the ratio is bad, something like 1 in 10 i guess. Rather sit through 9 bad ones than miss one good one i guess. No point sitting home without even giving the seemingly boring guy from Taiwan a chance. And then complaining we're churning out book-worms. When you yourself are one.
KRVIA-ites, this one's for you.

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