

As Jerry Seinfeld once said, the four worst words in the English language are 'We need to talk'. Well. Atleast they set you up for what's next. What do you do when this sentence doesn't prelude a break up. No warning. Not even a whiff of whats next. Whats next is a sudden silence. An aching void in your ears. Followed by an equally painful void in your chest. A sudden numbness that fills your brain. And suddenly the thoughts come rushing back in. Denial. Sadness. Shock. Anger. Hurt. Memories. Mistakes. Hope. Realisation. All cliched but true. ive seen near and dear ones, friends even complete strangers go through a whole gamut of emotions. Been it through a lot of times. Each time feels worse than before. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Now the phrase makes sense. The void. The pain. The silence. None would have existed had my mind not been etched on. Eternal Sunshine. Eternal Happiness.

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